The first signs of the Black Death were found on one’s armpits. Disgusting! Huge black welts would appear. At that point, a victim was expected to live for only 48 brief hours. Over 30% died from this terrible tragedy. Think about it! An estimated 75 million people! It’s just horrible in my opinion. All those people died from just one disease. One little disease that, now, we could probably have found a cure for.
The Black Death spread life wild-fire, burning a path of destruction in its path. The Central Asaic Platue was even said to be “one big epidemic area”. Most tried to flea, but the plague was almost everywhere. Whole towns were abandoned. The Black Death even wiped out all of Iceland! Not just most, but all. Some families were lucky enough to escape this tragedy and continued on living. The plague did not spread through the air so some people remained safe.
Did other animals get the plaque other than fleas and rats? I didnt know that 30 percent died i thought it was 50!
ReplyDeleteThe black death sounds really disgusting! I'm glad I didn't live back then! I'm glad that I live in the present day where we have medications and vaccines to cure us of diseases!